In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please note that this site uses cookies, but they are used exclusively to preserve your session when you are undergoing a survey anonymously (without logging in). We only pass you first-party cookies and we do not pass your information on to third parties. We do not track your activities or give you tracking cookies. The cookie you receive when undergoing an anonymous survey does not identify you in any way except by means of a visitor number unique to your session, called a UUID or unique user ID. Once you complete a survey, the UUID cookie can be deleted. If you wish to partially complete a survey, and then return, and continue to complete it, this technology will enable you to do that. We do not use cookies for any other purpose whatsoever.
What is a cookie? A cookie is a small file or piece of information stored in your web browser which identifies you as a unique user, so that when you return to a website, your preferences regarding that website are retained. Cookies can be used for other purposes such as uniquely identifying you or tracking your browsing habits, and passing this information on to third parties such as advertisers.
NOTE: Diese Einstellung wird nur auf den Browser und das Gerät angewendet, das Sie derzeit benutzen.